What is the cost of the smile design treatment?

The estimated cost of undergoing a smile design treatment generally varies between Rs, 50,000- Rs. The estimated cost of smile design varies between Rs. Smile design treatments are tailored to address each patient's unique needs. Smile design prices will depend on the procedures patients choose to incorporate into their treatment.

Once you and your dentist have determined the procedures that will best achieve your desired result, you will receive a personalized price breakdown. There are several attributes of teeth and smile that an aesthetic dentist can correct by designing smiles. Cosmetic dentists are trained to find the right balance between giving you a brighter, whiter smile and maintaining a natural tooth color. If you have discolored, chipped or cracked teeth, you are a good candidate for a smile makeover at Old Town Smile.

Some insurance providers may cover aspects of Smile Design that improve the function of teeth, such as dental crowns, implants, and dental joints. The exception here is that a smile design involves a complete transformation of the smile and therefore requires more planning and consultation with the patient. It now replaces the previous manual design method in most dentist offices, but uses the same parameters to plan and optimize smiles. After discussing what you would like to improve, the dentist will take a 3D scan of your mouth, teeth and gums and recommend the best cosmetic dentistry procedure or procedures to achieve your perfect smile.

Patients also have the option of combining a hygiene cleaning or gum disease exam with their Smile Design treatment plan. A digital smile design is a personalized treatment plan to improve the appearance of your overall smile, including your teeth and gums. Below is a list of things a dentist will do to shape, sculpt and make your smile more beautiful and enhanced. The smile design not only helps a high-quality restoration, but also gives your lips a fuller and thicker look.

Your dentist will conduct a thorough evaluation of your teeth, gums, underlying support structure, and bite (occlusion) to determine your candidacy for a smile makeover. And, depending on your dentist's policy, you may be responsible for the full cost of replacing the damaged dental crown or veneer. Your dentist and the Old Town Smiles team will perform a series of tests and examinations including digital x-rays, diagnostic photographs, oral cancer screenings, a caries check, and a bite evaluation. To see the healthiest and longest lasting results of smile design, regular dental hygiene habits at home are a MUST.

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